
Are Dermal Fillers In Shelton Safe?

One of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to cosmetic procedures is: are dermal fillers in Shelton safe? After all, you may have seen a number of horror stories passed around social media with before and after images of people with destroyed faces. However, much like with anything else that’s posted online, it is important to carefully read everything with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Getting To The Basics

As dermal fillers are scientifically proven to be safe and effective as an anti-aging treatment, the FDA has approved them for public use. Temporary swelling of the injection site is the most common side effect of dermal fillers, but more information such as case studies are easily found online. It is important that you consider any potential risks and weigh them yourself. After all, you’re the only person that knows what you’re willing to risk or what your body can endure.

The good news is that this non-invasive procedure does last a fairly long time ranging anywhere from 6 to 12 months. Many people wrongly believe that dermal fillers completely disappear after a year, but the reality is that the filler may remain present for years after injection. The body starts to absorb the filler several months after application, but traces are detectable for up to two years. Ultimately, the body’s response is greatly impacted by the amount of filler used, the location of the administered product, and the type of filler.

Do Dermal Fillers In Shelton Potentially Migrate?

One of the most popular horror stories circulating online entails the concept of dermal fillers migrating to other parts of the face. Though hardly a work of fiction, the chances of this happening are slim at best. A large volume of filler injected into high-pressure areas may cause migration into surrounding areas. This is something an MRI can show. As alarming as this may sound, the reality is that it’s mostly harmless and not a cause for concern.

If the migrated filler does cause nodules or infection, it is easily dissolved by a substance called hyaluronidase. Mostly considered safe, medical professionals are constantly monitoring the substance for potential negative health effects.

For the most part, dermal fillers are quick, virtually painless, and effective for people from all walks of life. As with any other cosmetic procedure, there’s always the possibility of some risk, but this is easily mitigated by selecting a licensed and qualified professional.

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